When you bring your vehicle in for most types of service, you'll also get a smog or emissions report. But how accurate is this report, and what exactly is a STAR station? These stations are special smog check stations that meet a higher performance standard as established by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Many STAR stations only perform the required test, but others can also be licensed and authorized to perform the test and any needed related repairs.
Features of a STAR Station
A STAR station must post a sign informing consumers about the various services it performs. These locations may also be called “STAR Test and Repair Stations.” If they bear this name, it means they are officially authorized to perform regular smog inspections, perform smog repairs, and run smog checks. These specialized locations can inspect, repair, and certify any type of vehicle. They're inspected every month by the State of California to ensure that they are following the proper protocol.
Rules for STAR Smog Checks
California state law requires that a certain percentage of vehicles have a smog check inspection at a STAR station. Your DMV renewal notice should indicate whether your vehicle requires this type of check. If it does, you must take it to a STAR station for a thorough inspection. So, what makes some vehicles required, and what are the guidelines? Some of the reasons your vehicle may have to be checked at a STAR station is:
- Your vehicle is considered a “gross polluter” which means it has failed a prior smog inspection and indicated extremely high emission readings
- You own a High Emitter Profile vehicle. These vehicles are determined to have a high chance of failing the inspection as per the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
- Sometimes, your vehicle is simply chosen as part of a random sample of all vehicles registered in the state of California.
If you're one of the many residents who have been required to take your vehicle to a STAR station for a smog check, there's no need to worry. All you need to do is locate a nearby STAR certified smog station and schedule your inspection. The technician will be able to tell you if they notice any serious problems, but overall, it's a quick and simple test that typically does not require much more on your part. Be sure to take your vehicle to a STAR smog station like Dhillon Motorsports, formerly known as Smog Man San Jose where we can get your vehicle inspected quickly and accurately.
If your vehicle needs auto repair or smog testing, contact the pros at Dhillon Motorsports, formerly known as Smog Man San Jose, CA today!