Posted on 9/24/2020

The neutral gear serves an essential function for manual drivers. Before you drive a manual transmission, the vehicle must be placed in neutral first. Automotive drivers can move straight into the drive gear and take off, leaving some wondering what purpose the neutral gear serves. Neutral isn’t necessarily a gear; it’s a state when no gear is engaged on the vehicle. In an automatic transmission, the wheels continue to spin independently of the gas pedal, so the car keeps moving. While in neutral, the gas pedal does nothing to speed the vehicle; no power from the pedal is transmitted to the wheels. Neutral is rarely engaged in most driving trips, leaving some automatic drivers wondering – when should you shift into neutral? During A Drive-Thru Car Wash Most drive-through car washes have an automotive system that requires the car to be placed in the neutral gear to move and stop fluidly through the scrubs. If the ... read more