Posted on 9/20/2019

In many states throughout the US, drivers must bring their car in for an emissions or smog test before it can be registered. The reason for these tests is to help reduce the volume of dangerous, toxic gases that automobiles release into the air and environment. When you pass the smog test, you're given a certificate that allows the vehicle to be registered by your state. If your car fails the inspection, you likely need some kind of repair performed to ensure that it meets your localities' specific smog compliance rules. If You Fail the Smog Inspection Unfortunately, failing a smog inspection can become quite a hassle. The DMV will not register your vehicle which means you won't be able to obtain a license plate to drive it legally. So, what should you do if this happens? Each vehicle is different, and some may only require a small fix to get the car back into compliance. Others ma ... read more