Posted on 5/22/2019

If you're in the market for a car, you've probably been pondering whether or not to buy one that's new or used. While a brand-new, shiny car has that touch of awesome appeal, there are lots of reasons why you should buy used instead. Here are some reasons why purchasing a used car could be more beneficial to you in the long run. You'll Get More for Your Money It goes without saying that a used car will likely cost less than a new one for most makes and models. Since any vehicle starts to depreciate or lose value as soon as it drives off the lot, you might as well buy one that's already taken the hit. One great thing about a used car is that even if it has already depreciated, you could likely still sell it later for a more comparable amount to what you paid. In terms of features, make a list of your must-haves along with your budget, and then enjoy the shopping experience ... read more
Posted on 5/12/2019

A properly functioning car should operate smoothly whether you're in the highway, driving slowly through a neighborhood, or while you're stopped at a stoplight. If your car is shaking whenever you are idle, it could indicate that there's a serious problem. If your vehicle is shaking and shuddering when it idles, contact the experts at Dhillon Motorsports, formerly known as Smog Man San Jose for an evaluation. Here are some potential reasons why your vehicle is shaking at a stoplight. Your Spark Plugs are Dirty or Worn Out Spark plugs that are dirty or worn out don't fire properly. This means they can no longer ignite the fuel in your car's piston cylinders, which causes the vehicle to misfire. In some cases, your dirty spark plugs can be cleaned, but it's best to go ahead and have them replaced so you won't need to worry about the shaking any longer. Replacing the spark plugs ... read more