Posted on 12/18/2018

No, it is likely your vehicle will not pass a smog check if your check engine light is on, but let's look at this further. Dhillon Motorsports, formerly known as Smog Man San Jose are experts who can spare you grief if you'll bring your vehicle into our shop the minute the check engine light comes on. This warning light doesn't always mean an expensive repair bill. Rather, it could be something simple, such as a loose gas cap that's triggering the onboard computer to turn on the check engine light. Your Check Engine Light and Emissions Generally, the check engine light illuminates when your vehicle is experiencing an emissions problem, and this is the primary reason why it won't pass a smog check with the light on. Whether there is a legitimate issue or not, your onboard computer has detected a fault, and it will return that fault until it is fixed or ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2018

A smog check and a smog test are the same. The difference is whether you get the smog check at a test only station, which is not what Dhillon Motorsports, formerly known as Smog Man San Jose, CA, is. We will not only give your vehicle a certified smog check, but we will also repair it if it fails. Smog Check A smog check tests your vehicle's emissions' system to ensure it is operating properly. If your car or truck's exhaust system isn't functioning as it should be, your automobile may release toxins into the air that are harmful to the environment and cause greenhouse gasses. Every vehicle releases a certain amount of these toxins, unless they're electric, but California demands these emissions be under a certain level. This is why you have to have your vehicle smog checked every two years – to ensure the emissions are under the California leg ... read more
Posted on 12/11/2018

Vehicles driven in California are required to have an emissions test every two years. Drivers who fail to have their car, truck, or SUV smog-checked will not be allowed to register their vehicle. Many people think driving unregistered is just a fix-it ticket but it's not. The Golden State frowns upon unregistered drivers, so don't take chances. Bring your vehicle into Dhillon Motorsports, formerly known as Smog Man San Jose for a diagnostic report and smog certificate. Existing Residents Those who already live in California dread opening their vehicle registration renewal notice from the DMV for two reasons: One, the cost, and two, the smog check notification. California is one of the most expensive states in which to register a vehicle, but it also has miles upon miles of highways that require constant maintenance. Californians practically live in their cars, as commuting ... read more