Posted on 8/12/2019

In California, smog inspections are mandated for all vehicles with the exception of diesel-powered vehicles that are model 1997 or older with a Gross Vehicle Weight of more than 14,000 pounds. Other vehicles that are exempt include motorcycles, trailers, and any gasoline-powered vehicle that is 1975 or older. If you are planning to sell your vehicle, you may be wondering who is responsible for the smog inspection. Read on to find out more about the current guidelines. Selling Your Car and Smog Testing Every vehicle that is registered must submit proof of a proper smog certification every other renewal period. You should receive a notice of renewal in the mail from the DMV. The notice should indicate whether or not you will need a smog certification. If you do, it's important to get one performed as soon as possible or else you will not receive your renewed registration or sticker until the DMV receives it. And if you ... read more