Posted on 12/31/2019
Whether you’re planning to travel by car this winter season or will just be driving to and from work each day, prepping your car for winter can help you avoid car troubles on the road and keep you safe while driving in winter weather conditions. Before you hit the road for any type of extended travel, we recommend bringing your vehicle into our shop for a winter car inspection. This will give you peace of mind on the road knowing that an expert took a look at your vehicle and made sure that everything was in working order to stay reliable in the cold weather. Here are some of the top ways in which you can prep your car for traveling this winter: Get your car serviced if it is due and inspected for other issues Check your manufacturer’s website for any recalls Inspect your tires to verify they have good tread and are in overall good condition Install new windshield wipers and top-off wiper fluid Check all vital fluids Be sure to test your vehi ... read more
Posted on 11/30/2019
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Dhillon Motorsports! We hope that you had a wonderful holiday with friends and family. With all the holidays comes lots of travel, so if you are planning a road trip in the near future, we recommend that you check off some important travel measures before you hit the road. Be sure to have your vehicle inspected by the experts here at Dhillon Motorsports before you hit the road. You never want to be caught in a situation where you are stuck without a working vehicle, so guaranteeing that your vehicle is ready for any road trip will keep your family safe and bring you peace of mind on the road. Pack ample blankets and coats for the road to keep warm if you’re traveling in the cold this winter. Have an emergency kit on hand in your trunk to help out in cases of emergencies. Some things to make sure you have with you include a spare tire, jack, wrench, flashlight, flares, cell phone charger, and ... read more
Posted on 10/15/2019

Some people panic when their check engine light comes on; other people shrug their shoulders and ignore it. Don't do either. Find the middle ground and heighten your senses to assess unusual car behavior. Do you hear strange sounds, see visible issues such a smoke, or smell anything odd? If not, drive your vehicle to Dhillon Motorsports, formerly known as Smog Man San Jose. If so, pull over to safety and call for a tow. Check Engine Light Overview Your vehicle has an onboard computer that monitors operating systems all the time. If something minor goes awry, the onboard computer will correct it. If something goes wrong that the computer cannot correct, it will warn you using the dashboard lights, i.e. the brake light signals an issue with your brake system. The CEL is catch-all for issues not covered by their own light. What Could Be Wrong When the Check Engine Light Comes On? Because ... read more
Posted on 9/20/2019

In many states throughout the US, drivers must bring their car in for an emissions or smog test before it can be registered. The reason for these tests is to help reduce the volume of dangerous, toxic gases that automobiles release into the air and environment. When you pass the smog test, you're given a certificate that allows the vehicle to be registered by your state. If your car fails the inspection, you likely need some kind of repair performed to ensure that it meets your localities' specific smog compliance rules. If You Fail the Smog Inspection Unfortunately, failing a smog inspection can become quite a hassle. The DMV will not register your vehicle which means you won't be able to obtain a license plate to drive it legally. So, what should you do if this happens? Each vehicle is different, and some may only require a small fix to get the car back into compliance. Others ma ... read more
Posted on 8/12/2019

In California, smog inspections are mandated for all vehicles with the exception of diesel-powered vehicles that are model 1997 or older with a Gross Vehicle Weight of more than 14,000 pounds. Other vehicles that are exempt include motorcycles, trailers, and any gasoline-powered vehicle that is 1975 or older. If you are planning to sell your vehicle, you may be wondering who is responsible for the smog inspection. Read on to find out more about the current guidelines. Selling Your Car and Smog Testing Every vehicle that is registered must submit proof of a proper smog certification every other renewal period. You should receive a notice of renewal in the mail from the DMV. The notice should indicate whether or not you will need a smog certification. If you do, it's important to get one performed as soon as possible or else you will not receive your renewed registration or sticker until the DMV receives it. And if you ... read more
Posted on 7/18/2019

When you bring your vehicle in for most types of service, you'll also get a smog or emissions report. But how accurate is this report, and what exactly is a STAR station? These stations are special smog check stations that meet a higher performance standard as established by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Many STAR stations only perform the required test, but others can also be licensed and authorized to perform the test and any needed related repairs. Features of a STAR Station A STAR station must post a sign informing consumers about the various services it performs. These locations may also be called “STAR Test and Repair Stations.” If they bear this name, it means they are officially authorized to perform regular smog inspections, perform smog repairs, and run smog checks. These specialized locations can inspect, repair, and certify any type of vehicle. They're inspected every mont ... read more
Posted on 6/27/2019

The name Honda is synonymous with quality, and it's no wonder so many people have chosen to make this brand their number one vehicle. Whether you're interested in the classic Civic, the Element, or the Accord, Honda makes a wide array of excellent vehicles in a variety of styles to suit your needs. If you're on the fence about purchasing a Honda, take a closer look at a few pros and cons that might help you determine whether or not this famous maker is right for you. The Pros of Buying a Honda When it comes to positives, Honda has more vehicles on the road after 25 years of service than any other automotive maker out there. This means that you can rely on Honda to be a long-lasting vehicle that's completely reliable. They're also very well-known for being safe to drive. If you have a teenager in the market for their first car, Honda is an outstanding choice. Many recent models have r ... read more
Posted on 5/22/2019

If you're in the market for a car, you've probably been pondering whether or not to buy one that's new or used. While a brand-new, shiny car has that touch of awesome appeal, there are lots of reasons why you should buy used instead. Here are some reasons why purchasing a used car could be more beneficial to you in the long run. You'll Get More for Your Money It goes without saying that a used car will likely cost less than a new one for most makes and models. Since any vehicle starts to depreciate or lose value as soon as it drives off the lot, you might as well buy one that's already taken the hit. One great thing about a used car is that even if it has already depreciated, you could likely still sell it later for a more comparable amount to what you paid. In terms of features, make a list of your must-haves along with your budget, and then enjoy the shopping experience ... read more
Posted on 5/12/2019

A properly functioning car should operate smoothly whether you're in the highway, driving slowly through a neighborhood, or while you're stopped at a stoplight. If your car is shaking whenever you are idle, it could indicate that there's a serious problem. If your vehicle is shaking and shuddering when it idles, contact the experts at Dhillon Motorsports, formerly known as Smog Man San Jose for an evaluation. Here are some potential reasons why your vehicle is shaking at a stoplight. Your Spark Plugs are Dirty or Worn Out Spark plugs that are dirty or worn out don't fire properly. This means they can no longer ignite the fuel in your car's piston cylinders, which causes the vehicle to misfire. In some cases, your dirty spark plugs can be cleaned, but it's best to go ahead and have them replaced so you won't need to worry about the shaking any longer. Replacing the spark plugs ... read more
Posted on 4/29/2019

It's easy to become desensitized to the dangers of driving, but the riskiest moments in your day are spent behind the wheel of a car. Fortunately, although you can't control every factor related to driving, you can master more than you might think. So, before you start another drive, take a moment to reflect on how you can improve your driving safety. Stay on Top of Regular Maintenance Keeping your car in fighting shape is the easiest way to ensure you don't put a damaged machine on the roads. Tire rotations, oil changes, and routine check-ups will help you stay abreast of wear and tear, preventing inconvenient and expensive repairs in the future. Keep your owner's manual handy and make sure you follow its maintenance schedule as closely as possible. With that, communicate freely with your mechanic, so you understand what driving conditions might influence your vehicle in unique ways ... read more